Medic primar
Obstetrica - ginecologie
Ecografie morfofetala
Ecografie sarcina si ginecologica
Chirurgie laparoscopica

Biopsie de col uterin
1100 Lei
Biopsie de parti moi
2860 Lei
Biopsie de vulva
1500 Lei
230 Lei
Chiuretajul aspirativ al cavitatii uterine
930 Lei
Chiuretajul biopsic al cavitatii uterine
1030 Lei
Chiuretajul uterin fara dilatare
895 Lei
Chiuretajul uterin pentru sarcina oprita in evolutie (avort spontan)
930 Lei
450 Lei
Conizatie de col uterin
1200 Lei
Arii de interes:
- Obstetrica si ginecologie
Cursuri postuniversitare:
- 2018: Ecografie ginecologica, UMF Iasi
- 2018: Histeroscopie, UMF Iasi
- 2019: Chirurgie laparoscopica, UMF Iasi
- 2022: Colposcopie, UMFCD Bucuresti
- 2019: Chirurgie oncologica laparoscopica, Homburg,mGermania
- Grigore M, Blidaru I, Iordache F. Intrauterine foreign bodies, other than contraceptive devices and systems, may affect fertility-Report of two very different cases, The European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 2014,19(2): 141-1433
- Grigore M, Mares A, Cojocaru C, Popovici R, Iordache F. The contribution of new imaging technologies in the diagnosis of endometriosis and adenomyosis, Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, 2013, 48(2): 236-240
- Grigore M, Iodache F, Pristavu A. Primary amenorrhea due to genital tuberculosis- laparoscopic and hysteroscopic findings- 23th Annual Congress ESGE, 24-27.09.2014, Brussel, Belgia , Gynecol Surg Journal (2014) 11 (Suppl 1):S1–S358 DOI 10.1007/s10397-014-0857-1, ISSN: 1613-2076
- Grigore M, Iordache F, Pristavu A. Unmasking the great impostor: genital tuberculosis. Lucrare prezentata oral 24th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 14.09-17.09.2014, Barcelona, Spania
- Grigore M, Costachescu G, Iordache F. Avantaje non-contraceptive ale dispozitivului intrauterine cu levonorgestrel.– Al VII-lea Congres al Societatii de Endocrinologie Ginecologica Sinaia 06.06-08.06. 2013
- Pristavu A, Iordache F, Grigore M. A comparison between two-dimensional ultrasonography and hysteroscopy in the diagnosis of uterine pathology. 16th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 05-08.03.2014, Florenta, Italia. Lucrare premiata la Competitia “The under 34 competition”.
- Grigore M, Iordache F, Pristavu A. Popovici R. The use of suppositories with hyaluronic acid for the treatment of the vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women. 23-th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 07-10.05.2014 Glasgow, Scotia
- Popovici R, Grigore M, Bahnariu A, Iordache F, Pristavu A. Locul modulatorilor de receptori estrogenici in tratamentul actual al cancerului mamar. Editia a 12-a Conferinta nationala Zilele Vasile Dobrovici 02.04-05.04.2014, Iasi
- Grigore M, Iordache F. Laparoscopic removal of a giant ovarian cyst: case report and review of the literature, Chirurgia a journal on surgery, 2014, 27(1):47-49
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