Medic primarHematologieOfera consultatii in judetele: BucurestiProgramari la Dr. Ciobanu Anca Vezi program Solicita programare Solicita o programare Programare prin Contact Center Programare online ÎnapoiRecenziiDr. ciobanu anca9.15 9.15 din 10 756 recenzii This is an average that reflects the scores given by patients following the interaction with the doctor during the consultation. Recenzii 10 581 9 64 8 29 7 15 6 11 5 10 4 5 3 2 2 12 1 27Programare Locatie Bucuresti Lujerului Bucuresti Pipera Specialitate HematologieConsult hematologie370 Lei Solicita programare Vezi programControl hematologie250 Lei Solicita programare Vezi program