Retinofotografie (4WF și 7F)
Fotocoagulare laser retiniană

Arii de interes medical:
- Boli vasculare retiniene
- Distrofii retiniene
- Afectiuni degenerative retiniene
- Uveite
Cursuri postuniversitare:
- 2022; : ESASO 1st eModule ”Medical Retina”
- 2020: ”Diagnosis and therapy of rare systemic diseases with ocular involvement-OCURARE”
- 2019: ” Venice Ophthalmology Summer School”. Venice, Italy
- 2018: ”The role of ocular echography in ocular tumours diagnosis”, Bucuresti, Romania
- 2017: ”125. Teaching Course Retinal Detachment, Diabetic Eye, AMD ”, Bucuresti, Romania
- Damian, I., & Nicoara, S. D. (2023). Visual outcomes and prognostic factors following 23G vitrectomy for vitreous hemorrhage in eyes with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Arquivos brasileiros de oftalmologia, 86(2), 105–112.
- Damian, I., Muntean, G. A., Galea-Holho?, L. B., & Nicoara, S. D. (2023). Advanced ImageJ Analysis in Degenerative Acquired Vitelliform Lesions Using Techniques Based on Optical Coherence Tomography. Biomedicines, 11(5), 1382.
- Brehar, R., Groza, A., Damian, I., Muntean, G. & Nicoara, S.D. (2023) Age-Related Macular Degeneration Biomarker Segmentation from OCT images. 24th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS)
- Damian, I., & Nicoara, S. D. (2022). SD-OCT Biomarkers and the Current Status of Artificial Intelligence in Predicting Progression from Intermediate to Advanced AMD. Life (Basel, Switzerland), 12(3), 454.
- Nicoara, S. D., & Damian, I. (2021). Controversy of indomethacin eye drops in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis-induced corneal ulceration: a case report. Journal of medical case reports, 15(1), 116.
- Damian, I., & Nicoara, S. D. (2021). Correlations between Retinal Arterial Morphometric Parameters and Neurodegeneration in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with No or Mild Diabetic Retinopathy. Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania), 57(3), 244.
- Damian, I., Roman, G., & Nicoara, S. D. (2021). Analysis of the Choroid and Its Relationship with the Outer Retina in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Using Binarization Techniques Based on Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography. Journal of clinical medicine, 10(2), 210.
- Damian, I., & Nicoara, S.D. (2021). Local Inflammatory Biomarkers and Potential Inflammation-Targeting Therapies in Diabetic Retinopathy; chapter in book: ”Diabetic Eye Disease - From Therapeutic Pipeline to the Real World” DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.99807.
- Damian, I., & Nicoara, S. D. (2020). Optical Coherence Tomography Biomarkers of the Outer Blood-Retina Barrier in Patients with Diabetic Macular Oedema. Journal of diabetes research, 2020, 8880586.
- Holhos, L. B., Coroi, M. C., Holt, G., Pusta, C., Vesa, C., Pirvan, R., Rahota, D., Damian, I., Beiusanu, C., & Lazar, L. (2020). The Burden of Assessing Ocular Status of Children - Causes and Control. Maedica, 15(3), 391–393.
- Nicoara, S. D., & Damian, I. (2018). Bilateral simultaneous acute angle closure attack triggered by an over-the-counter flu medication. International ophthalmology, 38(4), 1775–1778.
- Nicoara, S. D., & Damian, I. (2018). Visual loss resulting from siderosis bulbi caused by a missed intraocular foreign body. Case Rep Int 2018;7:100047Z06SN2018.
- Nicoara SD, Damian I. Bilateral irreversible visual lossdue to arteritic anterior optic ischemic neuropathy.Case Rep Int 2018;7:100054Z06SN2018.
Participare la studii clinice:
- 2019 - in derulare: ”Long-term Effects of Semaglutide on Diabetic Retinopathy in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes (FOCUS)”. Sub-Investigator
- 2022 - in derulare: ”A Phase 2 Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Double-masked Proof-of-concept Study to Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of Runcaciguat (BAY 1101042) in Patients with Moderately Severe to Severe Non-proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NEON-NPDR)”. Sub-Investigator
Membru in:
- Societatea romana de Oftalmologie
- The European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA)