Ecografie congenitală cord
Morfologie cord fetal

Cursuri postuniversitare:
- Examen European de acreditare in echografia congenitala de cord
- 2021 – “Mortality and Morbidity in Preterm Infants with Congenital Heart Disease’’, I Dumitrascu Biris , A Mintoft, C.Harris , Z Rawn , J Jheeta, K Pushparajah, H Khan, G Fox
- 2021 – “Dilated ascending aorta in the fetus”, Dumitrascu-Biris I,Zidere V.,Charakida M.,Mathur S.,Vigneswaran T.,Simpson J.M.
- 2017 – “Challenges of clinic surveillance following coarctation of the aorta repair”, Dumitrascu-Biris I., Prabhu N., Theocharis P., Charakida M., Simpson J.
- 2017 – “Risk stratification for premature babies born with congenital heart disease, Dumitrascu-Biris I.,Fox G.,Pushparajah K., Khan H.
- 2016 - “Medical practice in children presenting with fever and petechial rash to an emergency department”, Dumitrascu-Biris I and all, Rev. Med. Chir. Soc. Med Nat, Iasi-2016-vol.120, no. 2
- 2015 - “The use of Magnesium Sulphate for women at risk of preterm labour for neuroprotection of the fetus at St Thomas Hospital”, St Thomas Neonatology Department, London, UK
- 2011-2012 - “Fever and petechiae in children” prospective audit-Dumitrascu-Biris I., Lambert I., Sharif F
- 2011-2012 - “The incidence and risk factors of developmental hip dysplasia in new born babies” retrospective audit-Dumitrascu-Biris I., Sharif F., Lambert I., McCartan F.
Participari la congrese:
- 2021: State of heart-Canon Fetal Cardiology Course
- 2021: Association of Paediatric European Paediatric Cardiology, Sweden
- 2021: Fetal Cardiology Webinar-FMF
- 2019: 14th European Echocardiography on congenital heart disease and 2nd Fetal Cardiac Symposium, Barcelona
- 2019: British Congenital Cardiac Association
- 2019: Fetal medicine Conference “FemHelp”, Timisoara
- 2019: Fetal Medicine World Congress, Alicante
- 2019: Association for European Paediatric Cardiology, Seville, Spain
- 2019: National Fetal Cardiology Network Meeting, Leeds
- 2018: Euro Echo Imaging, Milan, Italy
- 2018: Symposium of Paediatric Pulmonology, Timisoara, Romania
- 2018: Association for European Paediatric Cardiology, Athens, Greece
- 2017: Advance fetal cardiology course, London
- 2017: National paediatric Cardiology Training day, London
- 2017: World Congress Paediatric cardiology and surgery, Spain
- 2017: Fetal medicine Conference “FemHelp”, Timisoara
- 2017: Advance paediatric echocardiography, London
- 2017: Fetal Cardiology Course, London
- 2017: Training to Teach Course, UCL, London
- 2017: Paediatric and Congenital Rhythm Congress, Greece