Dr. Noemi Bara


noemi bara

9.41 din 10 74 recenzii
This is an average that reflects the scores given by patients following the interaction with the doctor during the consultation.
Nota Recenzii

Arii de interes medical:

  • Rinoconjunctivita alergica
  • Astmul alergic
  • Urticaria si angioedemul
  • Angioedemul ereditar
  • Alergiile si intolerantele alimentare si medicamentoase
  • Alergia la intepatura de albina/viespe
  • Alergia la latex
  • Dermatita atopica si de contact

Cursuri postuniversitare:

  • 2007: International Multicenter Course of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,Tirgu - Mures
  • 2008: Postgraduate course "Pediatric Emergencies and Updates", Tirgu - Mures
  • 2009: Training course "State of the Art in Drug Hypersensitivity", Fischbachau, Germany
  • 2009: Postgraduate course "Markers of inflammation at the junction of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases and some autoimmune or malignant diseases", Tirgu - Mures
  • 2009: Postgraduate Course "Modern approach with rheumatic pain", Tirgu - Mures
  • 2010: Postgraduate course: “Corticotherapy: the problem of all”, Tirgu - Mures
  • 2011: Postgraduate course: Immediate and delayed reactions induced by contrast agents, Updates in polymorph erythema and anaphylaxis, Cluj Napoca
  • 2011: 7th C1 Inhibitor Deficiency Workshop, Budapest, Hungary
  • 2012: HAWK 2012 Consensus Meeting, Gargagno, Brescia, Italy
  • 2012: Food Allergy Workshop, Cluj Napoca, Romania, Workshop: Centres of Reference for rare disease patients. Centres of Expertise in Romania, February 21st, Bucharest, Roamnia
  • 2013: 8th C1 Inhibitor Deficiency Workshop, Budapest, Hungary
  • 2013: IIId Clinical Immunology Interdisciplinary Forum, Debrecen, Hungary
  • 2014: Al II-lea Workshop de alergie alimentara, Cluj Napoca, Romania
  • 2015: A LXIV-ik Tovabbkepzo ulesszak Immunologiai es Biotechnologiai eloadasok, Targu Mures, Romania
  • 2015: 9th C1 Inhibitor Deficiency Workshop, Budapest, Hungary
  • 2015: A LXIV-ik Továbbképzo Ülésszak, Immunológiai és Biotrchnológiai eloadások, Romániai Magyar Orvos és Gyógyszerész Képzésért Egyesület, Marosvásárhely, Románia
  • 2016: Third HAWK Consensus Conference Treating Patients with C1 Inhibitor Hereditary Angioedema,  Gargagno,Italy
  • 2016: Global Forum for HAE, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2011, 2014: Basics of Good Clinical Practice for Investigators
  • 2011: Basics on Good Clinical Practice for Monitors

Activitate stiintifica si de de cercetare:

Experienta in studii clinice:

  • Subinvestigator: Phase IIb Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled Dose-finding Study in Adult Patients whith Perennial Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis due to HDM Allergy
  • Subinvestigator: Phase II safety and profilactic clinical trial in asimptomatic patients with C1 inh deficiency
  • Subinvestigator: Phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study with subcutaneous icatibant in patients with acute attacks of HAE
  • Subinvestigator: Phase II Randomized, Double-Blind, Dose-Ranging, Crossover Study to Evauate the Safety and Efficacy of Subcutaneous Administration of Cinryze with Recombinant Human Hyaluronidase for the Prevention of Angioedema Attacks in Adolescents and Adults with Hereditary Angioedema
  • Subinvestigator: Phase IIIb randomized, double-blinded, placebo- controlledstudy with an opel-label extension evaluating the efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of recombinant human C1 inhibitor for the acute attacks of angioedema in patients with HAE
  • FDA inspection: non significant deviations, september 2013

  • Subinvestigator: Prospective open-label uncontrolled multi-center postmarketing study to assess inhibitory antibody formation in subjects with congenital C1-INH deficiency and acute hereditary angioedema attacks treated with Berinert, a C1-esteraze inhibitor
  • Subinvestigator: Open-label, phase II, single arm study to evaluate the safety, immunogenicity, pharmacokinetics and efficacy of recombinant human C1 inhibitor for the treatment of acute etacks in pediatric patients with hereditary angioedema, from 2 up to and including 13 years of age
  • Subinvestigator: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over study to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of subcutaneous administration of human plasma-derived C1-esterase inhibitor in the prophylactic treatment of hereditary angioedema
  • Subinvestigator: A Phase 2, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled, 3-Period Crossover Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Recombinant Human C1 Inhibitor in the Prophylaxis of Angioedema attacks in Patients with Herediatry Angioedema
  • Subinvestigator: A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Single-blind, Dose-ranging, Crossover Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous Administration of CINRYZE® (C1 esterase inhibitor [human]) for the Prevention of Angioedema Attacks in Children 6 to 11 Years of age With Hereditary Angioedema
  • Subinvestigator: A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Two-period, Three-sequence, Partial Crossover Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Subcutaneous Administration of 2000 IU of C1 Esterase Inhibitor (Human) Liquid for Injection Angioedema

Carti publicate:

  • 2009: Moldovan Dumitru, Szabo Monika, Mathe Lehel, Mihály Eniko, Bara Noémi, Orbán Kis Kaároly, Buzogány Jázmin: Belgyógyászati útmutató: pulmonólogia, nefrológia-diabetológia, University Press Tirgu-Mures
  • Autoare a numeroase publicatii si prezentari.

Membra a:

  • Societatii Romane de Alergologie si Imunologie clinica

    Academiei Europene de Alergologie si Imunologie clinica

    Societatii Muzeului Ardelean-Sectia de Stiinte Medicale si Farmaceutice

    Hereditary Angioedema International Working Group