Cursuri postuniversitare
- 30-31 Martie 2016: Arta de a tamadui durerea, curs flebologie, Timisoara
- 19 Martie 2016: Workshop PDO (fire bioresorbabile cu ac/canula), Varsac, Serbia
- 21 Octombrie 2015: Injectare cu adic hyaluronic si tratamente cu microneedeling, Bucuresti
- 10 Martie 2012: Terapii actuale si tendinte in dermatolohie, Timisoara
- 27-30 Martie 2012: Dermatologie chirurgicala-curs de initiere, Cluj
- 15-17 Februarie 2012: Dermatoscopia ca metoda de diagnostic a leziunilor pigmentare, Cluj
- 02-04 Iunie 2011: Dermatopatologie, Timisoara
- 26-27 Septembrie 2009: New conceps in medical cosmetics and practical specialisedworkshop Peelingul in Medicina Estetica, Bucuresti
- 01-02 August 2009: New conceps in medical cosmetics and practical specialisedworkshop Mezoterapia in Medicina Estetica, Bucuresti
- 9-11 Aprilie 2009: Noutati Terapeutice in Dermato-Venerologie. Timisoara
- 26-28 Aprilie 2009: Principii in terapia cu laser si lumina intens pulsate, Timisoara
- 12-14 Iunie 2008: Noutati Terapeutice in Dermato-Venerologie. Timisoara
- 2007-2008: Controllingul-subsistem modern al manafementului, curs posuniversitar, Timisoara
- Bota Izabel, Vincze Dana, Solovan Caius “Exploring the effectiveness of antioxidants on photoaging”- AARJMD VOLUME 2 ISSUE 7 (DECEMBER 2015) ISSN: 2319 - 2801
- Patricia Cristodor, Flavia Baderca, Caius Solovan, Ioana Gencia, Steluta Ratiu, Iustin Hancu, Izabel Haiduc. Superinfected leg ulcers, an unusual etiology. The XIIIth Romanian Congress of Phlebology with International Participation. Timisoara, Romania 1-4.10. 2014 (oral presentation)
- Patricia Cristodor, Ioana Gencia, Izabel Haiduc, Oana Sindrea, Steluta Ratiu, Iustin Hancu. Is painless local anesthesia possible? My Technique. The XIIIth Romanian Congress of Phlebology with International Participation. Timisoara, Romania 1-4.10. 2014 (oral presentation)
- Patricia Cristodor, Iustin Hancu, Ioana Gencia, Oana Sindrea, Argentina Vidrascu, Anca Nicula, Izabel Haiduc. An unusual treatment for malum perforans of the toes. The XIIIth Romanian Congress of Phlebology with International Participation. Timisoara, Romania 1-4.10. 2014 (oral presentation)
- Haiduc I., Cristodor P.,Solovan C., DopI., Toma O., Hancu I. Autoerythrocyte sensitization and highly elevated immunoglobulie E. 11th EADV Spring Symposium “Tradition and Innovation”. Belgrade, Serbia 22-25.05.2014 (poster)
- PL Cristodor, I Haiduc, M Esmaili, I Hancu, I Dop. Stem cell enriched fat transferred to malum perforans of the toe in a diabetic patient. 11th EADV Spring Symposium “Tradition and Innovation”. Belgrade, Serbia 22-25.05.2014 (oral presentaion)
- Cristodor PL, Haiduc I, Solovan C, Dop I, Toma O, Jurovits O, Gencia I, Ratiu S, Nicola A, Esmaeili M, Baderca F. Candidial colonization of chronic leg ulcers-Apossible scenario. 11th EADV Spring Symposium “Tradition and Innovation”. Belgrade, Serbia 22-25.05.2014 (poster)
- Izabel Haiduc, Patricia Cristodor, Flavia Baderca. Cutaneous Metastases of Lung Cancer. The Vth Romanian Symposium of Dermatopathology with International Participation. 7-9.11.2013 Iasi, Romania
- Patricia Cristodor, Popa Valentin, Iustin Hancu, Izabel Bota, Ioana Gencia, Iasmina HancuIS IT POSSIBLE TO WIN A “LOST BATTLE”?,14th Romanian Congress of Phlebology, 7th Balkan Venous Forum., Timisoara, Romania, 30-31 Martie,2016
- Patricia Cristodor, Iustin Hancu, Ioana Gencia, Bota Izabel,Popa Valentin, Iasmina Hancu. CHRONIC LEG ULCER PENETRATING THE VEIN WALL – A NEW THERAPEUTICAL APPROACH, 14th Romanian Congress of Phlebology, 7th Balkan Venous Forum., Timisoara, Romania, 30-31 Martie, 2016
- Recipient of XI International Society of Dermatology Global Education Award, 2013
Membru in societati medicale
- Member of EADV (european Asociacion of Dermato-Venerology) and SRD (Societatea Romana de Dermatologie
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