Medic specialist
Oncologie medicala

Consult oncologie
320 Lei
Control oncologie
265 Lei
Arii de interes medical:
- Gineco-oncologie
- Uro-oncologie.
Cursuri postuniversitare:
- 2024: Departamentul pentru Pregatirea Personalului Didactic, Nivelul 1 si Nivelul 2, Programul de studii – Medicina, Universitatea de Vest, Timi?oara, Romania
- Saftescu S, Munteanu M, Popovici D, Dragomir R, Darabu? MD, Negru AG, Negru ?M. Anthropometry in the immunotherapy of cutaneous and ocular melanomas. Rom J Ophthalmol. 2020;64(2):190-194. PMID: 32685786; PMCID: PMC7339699
- Saftescu S, Munteanu M, Popovici D, Dragomir R, Negru AG, Pac PC, Negru ?M. Significance of metastatic topography for the immunotherapy of cutaneous and ocular melanomas. Rom J Ophthalmol. 2020;64(2):184-189. PMID: 32685785; PMCID: PMC7339698
- Gheorghe AS, Negru ?M, Nitipir C, Mazilu L, Marinca M, Gafton B, Ciuleanu TE, Schenker M, Dragomir RD, Gheorghe AD, Stovicek O, Bandi-Vasilica M, Preda AC, Mihaila RI, Zob DL, Kajanto AL, Stanculeanu DL. Knowledge, attitudes and practices related to COVID-19 outbreak among Romanian adults with cancer: a cross-sectional national survey. ESMO Open. 2021 Feb;6(1):100027. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2020.100027. Epub 2020 Dec 2. PMID: 33399089; PMCID: PMC7808020.
- Dragomir R, Gheorghe AS, Negru A, Saftescu S, Popovici D, Schenker M, Lupu?oru R, Negru ?. The role of combining neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and pretreatment body mass index in predicting progression-free survival in patients with non-small cell lung cancer treated with nivolumab. Exp Ther Med. 2021 May;21(5):526. doi: 10.3892/etm.2021.9958. Epub 2021 Mar 22. PMID: 33815599; PMCID: PMC8014982.
- Saftescu S, Negru ?, Volovat S, Popovici D, Chercota V, Stanca S, Feier H, Malita D, Dragomir R, Volovat C. Predictors of the response to nivolumab immunotherapy in the second or subsequent lines for metastatic non-small cell lung cancers. Exp Ther Med. 2021 Jun;21(6):605. doi: 10.3892/etm.2021.10037. Epub 2021 Apr 14. PMID: 33936262; PMCID: PMC8082661.
- Dragomir R, Sas I, Saftescu S, Popovici D, Margan R, Dragomir AS, Stanca H, Mocanu V, Pac C, Negru ?. Treatment Experience and Predictive Factors Associated with Response in Platinum-Resistant Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: A Retrospective Single-Institution Study. J Clin Med. 2021 Aug 15;10(16):3596. doi: 10.3390/jcm10163596. PMID: 34441892; PMCID: PMC8397105.
- Popovici, D.; Stanisav, C.; Pricop, M.; Dragomir, R.; Saftescu, S.; Ciurescu, D. Associations between Body Mass Index and Prostate Cancer: The Impact on Progression-Free Survival. Medicina 2023, 59, 289.
- Popovici D, Stanisav C, Saftescu S, Negru S, Dragomir R, Ciurescu D, Diaconescu R. Exploring the Influence of Age, Gender and Body Mass Index on Colorectal Cancer Location. Medicina. 2023; 59(8):1399.
- Petre, I.; Vernic, C.; Petre, I.; Vlad, C.S.; Sipos, S.I.; Bordianu, A.; Luciana, M.; Dragomir, R.D.; Fizedean, C.M.; Daliborca, C.V. Systematic Review on the Effectiveness and Outcomes of Nivolumab Treatment Schemes in Advanced and Metastatic Cervical Cancer. Diseases 2024, 12, 77.
Capitole de carte:
- Dragomir R, Negru ?. Actualitati in imunoterapia antineoplazica. Terapii moderne in cancer 2021. Viata Medicala. Ed. MEDICHUB MEDIA, Bucure?ti 2021:59-62.
Participare la studii clinice:
- Co-Investigator: International Multicenter Surova Study on Ovarian Cancer Surgery.
Membru in societati medicale:
- SNOMR (Societatea Nationala de Oncologie Medicala din Romania)
- ESMO (Societatea Europeana de Oncologie Medicala)
Certificat de examinare ESMO pentru indeplinirea cu succes a criteriilor Societatii Europene de Oncologie Medicala pentru cuno?tinte excelente in acest domeniu de expertiza, ESMO, sustinut: Paris, 10 septembrie 2022.
Alte premii si distinctii in cadrul congreselor nationale si internationale de Oncologie Medicala.